
AfriYAN Rwanda General Meeting of July 5, 2023

🌱 Growth and Collaboration are the essence of AfriYAN Rwanda! 🌍 the General Meeting of July 5, 2023 with our enthusiastic member youth-led organizations paved the path for our ambitious 5-year Strategic Plan (July 2023 - June 2028) and set the stage for our upcoming Annual General Assembly. The members also had an opportunity to explore the new AfriYAN Rwanda

Youth Empowerment Hub and learn how it will benefit them and adolescents and youth of Rwanda in General. United, we'll build a brighter future for Rwandan youth! 💫 #AfriYANRwanda #GeneralMeeting #YouthDevelopment

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Join our vibrant network and become part of the youth movement that promotes sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender justice, and youth empowerment with and for Youth and Adolescents.